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Charity Work

As a dental professional I have always been devoted to improving peoples oral health but that doesn't stop after work for me!


I consider it my lifelong ambition to use my clinical skills and academic knowledge to help those in less fortunate circumstances.


It was heart breaking to drive for four hours in a 4x4 and then trek for 2 hours to a remote primary school in the Himalayas to see children's adult teeth already ruined by high sugar diets and no access to fluoride toothpaste and dental care!


If you want to know more about the individual charities then read below or click the links at the bottom of the page

Dental Mavericks

In 2020 I connected with this wonderful charity through Instagram and very quickly found myself volunteering to be a fundraising officer! The charity, like many in 2020, has has to adapt very quickly to the added pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic. I am part of a working group to diversify the income for the charity, to sustain our overseas activities. We work in Lebanon and Morocco with refugee and vulnerable communities to provide both emergency and preventive/educational dental care.

I hope to travel to Morocco with Dental Mavericks in October 2021 and Lebanon in the near future. 



I have travelled out to Nepal and Cambodia with this great charity. They currently have projects in Africa and South East Asia. We carried out both emergency clinics and preventive dentistry/oral health education to remote populations in schools and community centres on these trips. The conditions were very different to UK clinical environments; with children lying on tables in classrooms or adults on deck chairs in village halls! We used donated instruments and materials to provide the best standard of dentistry we could. 

The charity also provides dental care to homeless populations in the UK. 


Floating Doctors


I had booked to fly out and stay with this charity in Panama in June 2020 but because of the global pandemic I had to postpone my trip until 2021- fingers crossed!


The Floating Doctors Mission is to reduce the burden of disease in the developing world, and to improve remote health care. Volunteers stay at the base on Isla San Cristobal, near Bocas del Toro on Isla Colon. They desperately need dental professionals to help out. 

The base is an off-the-grid remote facility located on a mangrove island, it is a working medical support base built for the purpose of delivering health care to remote jungle communities. 

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